Brief History of the GaDangme people
When it comes to the history of Africa, it is always received with pleasure and displeasure. GaDangme history is a pleasure because it is understandable to those who read and accept it, but it is a problem for an individual who receives the information for what it is but refuses to accept it. When Africa was on the center stage of world affairs there was no Adam and Eve, no Jehovah and no Allah. For there was no book of Genesis, because the Hebrews wrote the five books of Moses and the six and seven mystical or magic books. We are told that the first Hebrew was a man called Abraham. He was born in a city called Ur in Chaldea. He was born in 1700 BC, which means he was conceived by a woman and man. That also means he was preceded by the ancestors of his father and mother. There were other nations and neighbors of Abraham’s nation. So as you can realize there was then no nation like Israel yet. I hope readers would realize Solomon was not born at this time yet. Abraham was born around the 14th dynasty. Africa used dynasties; we had already experienced 25 dynasties according to the book of the Forthcoming also called by the Europeans as the book of the dead. For all along the Nile valley, there was no Asian or European dynasties, what we had then was known as African dynasties. Thus, if we had dynasties it meant that we also had pharaohs. Africa had pharaohs ruling the land until the Asians came in during the 14th dynasty. The first group of Asians to come to conquer any part of Africa happened in the 14th dynasty.
Africa created the masonic lodges and in the 3rd dynasty, we continued to build structures in Egypt to maintain our civilization.
Egypt was the last of the African dynasties. The first African nation built along the Nile valley started in central east Africa. That is called today as Uganda; it was part of the Bacongo kingdom. This kingdom existed 4,100 years before the Christian era. Solomon came around 1,000 BC, that is when Greece came into existence. Rome and Greece were the first European nations to be recognized at this time unless and provided the Latin scholars want to accept the wolf that raised Remus and Romulus as the creators of a European state called Rome.
History states that the 1st literary person in all of Europe was the publisher of the Iliad and Odyssey. Homer wrote a book for all to read in Europe, until then, there was no other work written in Europe, other than those 2 books. Even Homer says in the Odyssey that the gods that the Greeks adopted came out of Ethiopia. -Ethiopia or Abyssinia is not in Europe but Africa. Herodotus, the so called father of history, stated the he was trained in Africa but was never allowed inside the inner temples of Africa. Scripto Africanus, states that it is necessary to establish these points because the African mind has been stolen.
The Ga-adangbes, who were part members of many generations of the ancient Nubii (Nubians), were once settled within the Ubaidan nation regions of the ancient Suma’s “Shinaa”. The “Shinaa” being the territories of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, an area believed to be the ancient paradise (garden of Eden) and a holy ground of holy practices of the ancient Nubians before and during the era of the oracle-king warrior “Nimroid” (Nimloi), the son of Kushi (Kush) and the great grandson of the Nubian “Noah” of the great flood. This area later became known as Mesopotamia.
The Nubian tongue preserves its authenticity by abiding to its ancient spiritual legacy. This is evident in the Ada language of the Ga-adangbe sub-nation, which retained the ancestral name “Nimlor” spelt by the modern Hebrew, Greek or Latin as “Nimroid”. Thus, a saying in the Ada language;- ‘nor Tshapi “Nimloi” or “Nomloi”, literally means ;this person is not a “Nimroid” (Nimloi). This saying is addressed to a person who do not possess the characteristics and qualities of “Nimloi” as a warrior, king, an oracle or a person of holy spiritual practices. Therefore, a person who is not a good person, or any person or persons who will do anything bad may be addressed as “nor nor tshapi nimloi”.
Many thousands of years b.c. the “ada/krobo”, “ga,” “gbe” and other relative nations were part of the “Yoohuba” nation (Yoruba), then part of the Suma / Ubaida people who were attacked out of their land by terrorists and vandals. Due to these attacks some of the Nubians were enslaved within their own nations and sub nations and most of them relocated to many relatives areas on the Nubian continent now called “Africa”. Most changed their nations names due to security reasons, and other names were changed due to European colonization, coupled with religion and language conversions.
Many of the (Ubaidan) “Ibada” people then of the Suma territory can be found among many territories in the present Africa, mostly in Nigeria’s Yoruba. Yoo-ru-ba = the female counter-part of the supreme divine creator of the universe. The male counter-part is “nu”.
Others who were able to maintain the name “Suma” are now in the north-east Nubia, now known as north east Africa, they are the “Suma-li” people now “Somalia” and “Eritrea”. Before they were influenced by the Phoenicians and the Phoenician language, some of them migrated to the present West African territories. By then the twin male brother of “Suma” who was “fu” or “fu-la” who generations later became known as the “Fulani’s” had already migrated to various areas. Massive specific groups of the “fu”/”fula” generation settled in sub-Saharan West Africa as the “Mali nation” and in the vast region. They then mingled with some of their relative nations.
The name “fu”or “fula”, whom the Greek called (tefnu) “tefu-nu” was then named to the river later known as the “Euphrates river’”, while his twin sister “Suma” was named after the river later known as “Tigris-river”.
Portions of the “nu-people” now phonetically called “Nubians” grouped and merged into the nation called “Ga-adagbes” (Ga-adangbes) who migrated to the Suma region from the banks of river Nile’s upper territories and the territories of the lake Nyanza’s vast region. At these areas they were intermingled with their other relative sub-nubii nations.
Though the birth of the full name “Ga-adangbe”, occurred shortly before the British colonization of the present Ghana, the individual sub-nations of the Ga-adagbe nation existed before the British nation and Europe in general. However, since the colonization of the West Africans by the Europeans, many West Africans have been influenced by them and portray more of a European attitude, evidenced by speaking more European languages than their own tongues and dressing more in European fashions than their own styles.
History of the Ga-adangbes by Carl Reindorf.
History of the Ewes by Mammatah.
History of the Nile valley civilization by Yosef Ben Yochanan.
Anthropology and oral history of the Ga-adangbe people by fetish priest and priestess of the La-Asafo people